5 Reasons Why Book Reviews Matter

When readers see authors asking, sometimes begging for reviews of their books, they may wonder why are they doing this? Let me offer five reasons why.

  1. Sales are what support writers and reviews help create them. Like it or not, money does talk. When readers see a review that demonstrates people are so excited about a book that they stayed up all night finishing it, it conveys excitement and may inspire the reader to purchase the same book (receiving). Sales are what sustain writers and allow them to continue writing (giving).

Reviews from readers do not have to be long, they just have to be written. Writing a review for a book supports an author almost as much as buying her book.

So the next time an author says, “Please consider writing a review of my book,” please do.

The April giveaway winner of Oh Danny Girl is Mary Beth Gale


C. Michele Dorsey is the author of Oh Danny Girl and the Sabrina Salter series, including No Virgin Island, Permanent Sunset, Tropical Depression, and Salt Water Wounds. Michele is a lawyer, mediator, former adjunct law professor and nurse, who didn’t know she could be a writer when she grew up. Now that she does, Michele writes constantly, whether on St John, outer Cape Cod, or anywhere within a mile of the ocean.  


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