Pawsitive Thinking

My dog has been sick for the last few months. It’s been a process to try to figure out what’s wrong. We started keeping a journal to see if we could figure out the triggers to her symptoms. I mention this because, first, it’s extremely helpful for vet visits, and second, because it’s introduced a level of discipline to make sure my partner and I are consistent and diligent in logging what the dog eats, when, and what happens next.

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I wanted to write about friendship because it’s the word that I most associate with Miss Demeanors. These women are not only marvelous writers, but they are also marvelous human beings. I’ve lost count of the number of times someone has shared a kind thought or helpful piece of advice. I really can’t imagine the past two years without them.

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Fear 101

We’ve talked about fear on Miss Demeanors and promised to delve more deeply into a topic familiar to most writers and all human beings. Indeed, there are countless bestselling books written about fear. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, and Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh are examples.
            Writers seem to be particularly susceptible to fear. Fear of failure, fear the words will stop flowing, fear of bad reviews, fear of no reviews. Even fear of success. There are unlimited kinds of fear it seems.

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