Fear of Knitting, Seriously

I can hear you chortling out there. Fear of knitting. But consider that within 0.45 seconds of Googling “fear of knitting,” I had more than 24 million hits. That’s a lot of fear of knitting, folks. Good to know I’m not alone.
            Because fear is often not rational, its target can be something seemingly silly, like knitting. In my case, I’ve watched and admired knitters for decades, wondering how do they do that magical stuff with their fingers and yarn. So perfect.

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Fear 101

We’ve talked about fear on Miss Demeanors and promised to delve more deeply into a topic familiar to most writers and all human beings. Indeed, there are countless bestselling books written about fear. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, and Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh are examples.
            Writers seem to be particularly susceptible to fear. Fear of failure, fear the words will stop flowing, fear of bad reviews, fear of no reviews. Even fear of success. There are unlimited kinds of fear it seems.

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