It’s that time of year. Everyone is talking summer and reading. What makes a “summer read” for you?

I think we are supposed to equate this directly with vacation reading. (Perhaps I’m wrong.) When I pack a book for vacation I’m never packing A book. It’s multiple books. When Kindle was invented I thought it was specifically for vacation reading. Finally the ability to take as many books as I wanted without lugging a 50 pound “carry-on” through the airport. I’ve always packed a mix of new books and old favorites. The old favorites were the comfort books, on hand if the plane was delayed or if there was some other downside to travel. The new books were from the top of my TBR pile, not specifically ‘summer reads.’
This summer, my TBR stack will have a few books from Miss Demeanors – definitely at the very top of the list!
Cate Holahan’s ONE LITTLE SECRET arrives in stores on July 9th. Since I started professional life as an architect, the setting is one I can’t wait to visit – a glass beach house where secrets will be exposed. Even better, I believe that one of the characters is an architect!

Later in the summer, perfect for winding down the season, D.A. Bartley’s DEATH IN THE COVENANT (August 13th) promises a splendid mountain setting in Utah and the intrigue of a daughter’s police investigation potentially costing her father his job. Later in the month, on August 27th, L.A. Chandlar’s THE PEARL DAGGER releases. In it, New York City is emerging from the Great Depression, but organized crime is on the rise. I look forward to ending the summer with a dose of mountain air followed by Art Deco glamour.

What’s on the top of your summer TBR stack?