Thank you all for joining me while I have talked about the many “Books I Saved for Mexico,” my annual 8-week retreat where I decompress and pretend I am retired while I read the books I want to savor. There are a few books left in the pile for me to enjoy during my final week, and of course, there is another TBR pile waiting for me back home.
But, one can never have enough books waiting to be read. So I’m inviting you to suggest one title in the comment section you think I must read so I’ll have a healthy shopping list when I visit my local bookstore back on Cape Cod when I return. I’ll draw a name randomly from the comments and send you a copy of No Virgin Island and Permanent Sunset, from the Sabrina Salter series I write set in St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. You’ll get to take a vicarious trip to the Caribbean and I’ll replenish my towering TBR pile.
Now, that’s a win/win contest!
So many to choose from but I’ll suggest Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia.