I’m sharing Kellye Garrett’s Facebook post as my guest post today. Hop over to her Facebook page (or Missdemeanors’ Facebook page) to join the discussion. Graphic design by Leslie Lipps. She’s awesome. “Alexia had this made. My original plan was to post it with one of my trademark smart aleck comments like “my crew is more talented than yours.” But then I took another look at this ad and realized what it represents:
Seven extremely talented black women who love mystery novels enough to say “I’m going to write one and do everything I can to get it published in an industry that often refuses to acknowledge my existence besides being a victim or a sassy best friend.”
And somehow, some way, there is a little black girl out there right now who is going to see this and it’s going to make her write a book.
#blackgirlmagic for real.
I love my fellow unicorns.
P.S. My crew is more talented than yours.” https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156064468627945&id=546517944