Driving alongside the Pacific Ocean in Kauai, I listened to a radio show talking about the positive effects of water. Not just the benefits of drinking water, but also seeing it, being in it, and listening to the sounds of waves lap the shore. One of the positive effects discussed on this show was boosting creativity. I don’t know why that revelation surprised me. Most writers I know live near oceans, lakes, and rivers.

It occurred to me that even my writing retreats have always been by water. I occasionally take time off from my day job to focus on writing and rejuvenating my spirit. Every single one of those retreats has been by a lake or ocean. In fact, one of my favorite organized retreats on the West Coast is coming up in November. The Algonkian Writers Retreat takes place November 13 – 17 in Monterey, California. You can learn more about it here: https://montereywritersretreat.com/
As I write this, the ocean beckons. Time for me to go immerse myself in some more creativity.
How about you? Does water get you in the flow, so speak?