We’re heading into the homestretch of 2022. Looking back—even disregarding the politics and the pandemic—it seems like so much has happened.
It was just about this time last year when I submitted my first Miss Demeanors blog. Here’s what else happened to us this year:
Cast Changes
We lost two of our members- Tracee De Hahn and Alexia Gordon, but we added two incredible writers, Catherine Maiorisi and Marni Graff. These authors have added so much to the group.
New Website
We took a few weeks off this summer to redo our website. The new design is fresh, clean, and easy to navigate. Kudos to Emilya for the technical stuff.
Individual News
Marni Graff is the latest to join the Miss Demeanors team, and she’s already made an impact with her literary expertise.
Catherine Maiorisi is the author of the Chiara Corelli mysteries, and her book, The Disappearance of Lindy James, won the GCLS Gold Award for general fiction.
Connie Berry got a new contract to continue her Kate Hamilton mystery series, which is awesome. If you haven’t read them—what are you waiting for?
Emilya Naymark published her second novel, Behind the Lie, and she had a short story published in the Mystery Writers of America anthology, When a Stranger Comes to Town.
Keenan Powell finished her next Novel, Implied Consent. I was lucky enough to have an early review copy, and all I can say is WOWZA! It’s a great story and really shows her legal expertise. The book comes out on January 26, 2023, but as writers, we’re always living in either the past or the future.
Susan Breen had a short story published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. The story is titles A Stranger Dies in the Tower and it’s a doozy. In addition, Susan continues to teach at the Gotham Writers Workshop and at the New York Pitch Conference.
Michele Dorsey rereleased all her Sabrina Salter mysteries, with new covers, and added a new title to the series—Saltwater Wounds. She also published the first book in a new series. Oh Danny Girl is the first in the Danny and Nora O’Brien series. Plus she signed a new contract with a new publisher for a standalone. Go, Michele!
I published more books in the Fin Fleming Scuba Diving Series, including Sunken Death, Dark Tide, and Killer Storm. I also wrote a book on self-publishing called Smart Self-Publishing Strategies: A Roadmap for Beginners.
Michele and I did a joint presentation at New England Crime Bake on Self-Publishing, which was very well received. And it was nice to catch up with Emilya, Connie, and Susan, who were also at Crime Bake.
Look at the Guest Lineup!! Some of the Most Popular Mystery Writers in the W
This year we also had some terrific guest bloggers, including Catriona McPherson, Elly Griffiths, Wanda M. Morris, Skye Alexander, Jaime Lynn Hendricks, Penny Goetjen, John Valeri, Emmeline Duncan, Kelly Oliver, and Edwin Hill. What a lineup!
It’s been a busy year, and a great one. All the Miss Demeanors are on a roll, and it doesn’t look like anything 2023 can throw our way will stop us.
What a great roundup, Sharon!
I’m excited to be a Miss D!
And we’re excited to have you, so it’s a win all around. 🙂
Seeing it all listed out like that really makes me realize how busy we’ve been! And successful. Here’s to a new year of more successes for all of us!
I’ll drink to that!?
Nice summary of our year! Thanks!
Thanks for kind words about Implied Consent!
I can’t wait for it to be released so everyone else can enjoy it too.
That was a lot of work, Sharon, but well worth it so Miss Demeanors can revel in our 2022 accomplishments. Thanks for doing it. This post needs to be shared everywhere so readers know how hard we worked.!
We should be reveling. 2022 was another tough year for so many reasons, but we made it through with flying colors.
Wow, we’re quite the impressive group. I’m happy to be a part of it with you all.
Wishing us, and our readers, a happy, healthy, successful New Year.
I agree, Catherine. I was totally impressed when I looked back at everybody’s accomplishments. And I join you in wishing our readers a happy, healthy 2023.
Thanks for the round-up, Sharon. Time goes so fast! Great to work with you all.
We are a great group!!
You captured this past year so well! Wonder what 2023 will bring? More great books to read and write!
yes, it’s interesting how all our books are so different, but they are all so good!