Catherine Maiorisi
In the last few weeks the mystery community has celebrated colleagues awarded a Leftie, an Agatha, or an Edgar. And I’m sure you all heard my excited screams and saw my posts when I learned that two of my books, A Message in Blood and The Disappearance of Lindy James, are finalists for Goldie awards.
The winners of the Lefty and the Agatha are determined by vote of attendees at the conferences that award them, the Edgars and the Goldies by secret committees who read all the books submitted in a category and rate them to come up with a winner.
My question is, how do you view these awards? Do they influence your reading? Would you buy a book because it won an award?
I wouldn’t buy a book just because it got an award, but I would definitely take a look. Books are nominated because they have made an impression. Winners are often chosen because they are better known. That’s why, in my opinion, a nomination is a big win. I love the awards our industry gives out. And congratulations on the Goldies’ nominations, Catherine! Well done.
Susan Breen
I am impressed by anyone who is nominated for or wins an award, and I definitely give their book a second look. (Congratulations, Catherine!) I know the competition is steep, so if you’ve done something to stand out from the crowd, that’s pretty amazing. I usually buy the Edgar best novel nominees, though I didn’t this year because I’m still finishing up last year.
Tracee de Hahn
I think the nominations are a great way to bring attention to a book. I don’t rush out and buy the book, but I definitely give them a choice. This year, after the Edgars, I sort of nosed around to see what else was being said about Five Decembers and THEN bought it. Best book I’ve read in years! So thank you awards season.
And congratulations on your nomination!
Alexia Gordon
I agree with Connie. An award isn’t the sole reason I’d buy a book, however, I’d notice an award winner or nominee. The designation signals that enough people liked the book to elevate it above its peers. An award nomination is a vote of confidence that this book is worth the investment of time to read. Congratulations on your nominations!
Keenan Powell
Hell, yes. And the nominees, too. – Keenan Powell, Agatha-nominated, Lefty-nominated, and Silver Falchion Finalist
Catherine Maiorisi

In addition to publishing multiple mystery and romance short stories in various anthologies, Catherine has authored four romances novels. Her latest book, The Disappearance of Lindy James, was awarded a GOLDIE for Best General Fiction.