Hail the Sun!
December 21st is the shortest day of the year. In Anchorage, the sun will rise at 10:13 am and set at 3:41 pm. That’s five hours and 27 minutes of daylight. On December 22, we will pick up an additional six seconds. Whoopee!
Here’s a Youtube time lapse video of Anchorage from sunrise to sunset on Winter Solistice ten years ago: https://youtu.be/SMi2puJK-TE.
We had four feet of snow this week and I’ve been snowed-in twice. To be honest, I’m getting cabin fever. You’d think it’d be a great time to burrow into my next book, but that isn’t happening. I keep cleaning. What’s that about?
Here’s wishing a warm and safe holiday season to you and yours.

Keenan Powell
While still in high school, she was one of the illustrators of the original Dungeons and Dragons. Art seemed an impractical pursuit – not an heiress, wouldn’t marry well, hated teaching – so she went to law school instead. When not writing or practicing law, Keenan can be found oil painting, studying the Irish language, or hanging out with her friends at mystery conventions.
6. Sales: Is the Publisher Selling Books?
Amazing video! I will not complain that it is 25 degrees here.
I suggest you curl up with a good book and beverage of your choice and read and nap and restore. Enjoy.
Oh what a show!
Sorry about the cabin fever…
Happy solstice! The future gets brighter from this point on ?
I did a lot of cleaning and reorganizing during Covid. I think it’s about control–when you’re not. Stay warm and safe. Spring is coming!