Agatha nominations

It’s Agatha Award nominating time, which means that people in the cozy mystery community are going through the books and stories we’ve read this year and cogitating over which ones we’d like to nominate. (Ballots are due in electronically by March 6.)

As it happens, the Miss Demeanors have several works out that are eligible for nomination. 🙂

My short story, “The Crown Imperial,” was published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine in the November/December 2020 issue.

Here’s the first paragraph: “The bride was late, which caused Maggie Dove no end of consternation. Not because she was worried about the bride, whom she knew to be enthusiastic. But because she could hear the delay was making the organist anxious. Poor Florence Tessler had anxiety issues, and when she got nervous, she began to play fast. She’d now played Pachelbel’s Canon five times, each time faster than the previous. At the rate Florence was going, the bridee would have to trot down the aisle.

Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, November-December 2020

Alexia Gordon’s novel, Execution in E, is eligible in the Best Contemporary Novel category. Here’s a blurb about her book. When an influencer-turned-bridezilla shows up at the lighthouse to capture Insta-perfect wedding photos designed to entice sponsors to fund her lavish wedding, Gethsemane has her hands full trying to keep Eamon from blasting the entire wedding party over the edge of the cliff.

Execution in E (A Gethsemane Brown Mystery Book 5) by [Alexia Gordon]

Keenan Powell’s novel, Hell and High Water, is also eligible in the Best Contemporary Novel category. Here’s a blurb about her novel. Hell and High Water is part closed room mystery, part wilderness adventure, and part hard-boiled reluctant hero. World-weary Maeve Malloy must uncover a killer from a handful of suspects and avoid becoming a rampaging bear’s next meal. Keenan Powell is at the top of her game!” – Matt Coyle, Anthony Award Winning Author of the Rick Cahill mysteries

Hell and High Water: A Maeve Malloy Mystery by [Keenan Powell]

How about you? Do you have a work eligible for award? Please post it in our comments section. Good luck to all of us and hope to see you virtually at Malice Domestic.

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