I didn’t think I’d be writing these words. Yet, here I am—with a tear in my eye—saying goodbye. This has been a really hard decision to make. This past June, I was elected president of the New York Chapter of Sisters in Crime. As much as I wanted to believe that I could serve as the new president and give this blog my 100%, I finally had to admit that there are only so many hours in the day, and I need to spend some of them sleeping. (Seriously, I can be an incredible grouch.)
Susan, Michele, Alexia, Tracee, Cate, Robin, Connie, and Laurie are some of the most insightful and talented authors I know. Blogging with them has been a high point in my writing career. They give 100% to these posts every week, and I look forward to being the number one Miss Demeanors super fan next Monday.
Now, on to other things.
Tomorrow, I’m thrilled to share my Q&A with Cathi Stoler, author of not one—but two—successful series: Murder on the Rocks and Nick Donahue. Out of Time, her latest Nick Donahue adventure will be coming out soon. She’ll share some secrets about Nick and what it’s like writing two different protagonists.
And the rest of the week?
I wanted to write something clever, thoughtful, maybe even inspiring. Instead, every time I typed out a few paragraphs, I then held down the delete key until my screen returned to its maddening white blankness. Two words circled my brain as I thought about Miss Demeanors: gratitude and friendship. Finally, I did the only thing I could–I stopped fighting the words in my head. The theme for Wednesday is gratitude and Thursday is friendship. On Friday, my fellow Miss Demeanors will share some of their favorite farewell scenes.
Until tomorrow!