I’m thrilled to announce my first publishing credit in crime fiction! It’s sort of a double debut – my local chapter of Sisters In Crime is publishing their first-ever anthology, Fault Lines: Stories by Northern California Crime Writers. The anthology will be out in time for the Left Coast Crime Conference in March 2019.I wrote the short story, “SegFault,” (geek shorthand for “segmentation fault,” a computer error condition) to see how far I could make it in a blind submission process alongside the award winners and best sellers in the NorCal SinC chapter. It also gave me a fun way to challenge myself to write a cyber crime-themed short story. The word count boundary tested my ability to translate technical concepts into plain English while spinning a compelling yarn. As the release date gets closer, I’ll share details on our Facebook page. Meanwhile, we all have our reasons for writing the things we do – what are some of yours?