Do You Read Your Reviews? (Tell The Truth)

Before I was published, a writer friend advised me not to read the reviews of my books posted on sites like Amazon and Goodreads. I must have looked at her funny because she went on to say, “I never read reviews. My daughter screens them and sends me only the good ones.”
As inexperienced I was at that point, I knew I couldn’t follow her advice.

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Going Indie: An Interview with Dale T. Phillips

If you’ve ever attended a writers’ conference, chances are you’ve run into Dale T. Phillips, who makes friends like most people make mistakes–easily and frequently. Years ago, Dale made the decision to go indie, that is to publish his own books. Recently I caught up with him and asked him to share his secrets for sustaining a long career and making money while doing it. Even those of us who are traditionally published can learn a thing or two.

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